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Sunday, October 21, 2007

"Ask A Mexican" Gustavo Arrellano In Sacramento

Left: Arrellano signs the frontispiece of his new "Ask A Mexican" book, which summarizes some of his columns and answers some of the flood of questions that he receives and never gets to post in his column (here, for example, is this week's column).

The first time I ever heard about "Ask A Mexican" was in the Albuquerque Alibi alternative weekly. A Oregon man had been suspended from work for racism and sexual harrassment for posting one of Arellano's columns on a bulletin board at work in Oregon, a column the man had picked up in the Albuqerque paper while on a trip to New Mexico. Some people have NO sense of humor!
"Vayanse, arriba arriba!" said Arrellano.

(Actually, Arellano told some nice stories about writing the "Ask A Mexican" column, which started in the OC Weekly in 2004, and has won much controversy and much admiration).

Gustavo Arrellano and the new editor of the Sacramento News and Review, Matt Coker.

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