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Thursday, September 13, 2007

TD 8

Hi Marc - What do you know about Tropical Depression 8? Appears to be headed toward FL.
The current forecasts suggest that TD 8 will break wide, and not come nearly far enough west to affect Florida, or even far enough west to affect the Bahamas. Worth keeping an eye on, in the event the early forecast is wrong, but right now, not a major concern.

The NOGAPS model suggests another possible threat in a week’s time, with thunderstorms from Columbia coalescing over the Caribbean several days from now to form a tropical storm, which would then head north, cross eastern Cuba, and approach the Bahamas almost directly from the south. It’s hard to evaluate this hypothetical threat, however, because this coalescence has yet to occur, and it may be that the computer model’s imagination is in overdrive.

As active as the tropics are now, I’ve been impressed with how few tropical storms there have actually been. May that record continue!

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