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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Squirrel Sniperscope

Left: Courtesy of Jim McElroy's digital "Night Vision" (TM)

Sparky! Watch out! The squirrels! The squirrels! They SEE you! RUN! RUN!

Sparky, do you hear me?
Can you feel me near you?
Sparky, do you hear me?
Can I help to cheer you?

Sparky? SPARKY! RUN!


Actually, I lost Sparky on the streets, last night. Black dog, fairly-deaf to commands, vanished in the inky darkness.

I thought he went the long way around, so I double-backed and went that way, but I was mistaken. I circled back and eventually located him, 15 minutes later, snuffling in some hedges, as if everything was just fine.

Bad dog! Squirrel bait!

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