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Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Keeping Up With The Hurricanes

Felix is now ashore in northern Nicaragua, causing who knows what mayhem.

Henriette is near the southern tip of Baja. Right now, it looks like it will come ashore in Sonora and clip SE AZ, leaving Phoenix high and dry. Nevertheless, I don’t quite trust the forecast, because I think the strength of the high pressure system over the Colorado Plateau is being underestimated. I think the system will come further up the Gulf of Cortez and enter AZ farther west. But we’ll see. (I apologize in advance for Henriette’s bait-and-switch if the storm does not make it to SW AZ).

NOGAPS can’t quite decide whether it wants to have a tropical storm off of Georgia, or not, but if it does, by the weekend, the storm will be approaching the SC coast, before jogging north and up the Atlantic seaboard.

After that, it looks like things will calm down in the tropics for a week, or so.

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