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Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Hypotheticals And Possibilities

Quick Notes:

Felix is farther south than most people anticipated, still in Nicaragua, and is likely to cross completely to the Pacific side, regenerate, and rake the Mexican coast near Acapulco.

Henriette is inscrutable – currently in the southern Sea of Cortez. It will hit Sonora for sure, and it is adhering to a path likely to take it to NM’s boot heel, rather than to AZ. But we’ll see…. I have some hope still…

According to the most recent NOGAPS forecast, the system off Georgia, named 99L (and may get named Gabrielle) might NOT jog north along the Atlantic seaboard. Instead, it might plow right into Charleston, SC, next Sunday. This bears watching…..

And there might be another storm boiling off the African mainland right now, and starting the long trek west….

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