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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

How Bad Could It Be?

Gimme More of the backup dancers (who actually looked quite good, very professional, like they actually practiced the routine, and thought about it, and stuff), and less of the ill-prepared lady center stage.

I wonder, what's up? Britney's been there, done this sort of thing, many times before. In her hey-day, just a few years ago, just before Madonna kissed her with those "Toxic" lips, and sent her career into a downward spiral, no one could touch her....

Despite her wretched acting talents, Britney will end up the Marilyn Monroe of this generation. I anticipated this possible fate nine years ago, at the 1998 CA State Fair, when I bought a Britney poster and noticed the irrational hatred people (women in particular) had on the Midway for her even then - just like they did for Marilyn in the late 50's! Keep her away from Presidents, sleeping pills, ball players, movie sets, and swimming pools. And, absolutely, keep her away from K-Fed! Bring back her mom, if possible!

[Postscript: I wonder if the root problems are those knee injuries she's suffered along the way - pretty bad ones, too. Good looks and dancing were always her strong points. Strip out the dancing and give her a bit too much of life in the fast lane, and suddenly she's in trouble....]

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