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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Dept. Of Weird Analogies

Condi Rice sees the GWOT through different lenses than the rest of us. Al Qaeda in Iraq is a group of mostly foreign interlopers, and not the main threat in Iraq in any event. Nevertheless, the Bushies seem to believe their own propaganda that the group is the main enemy:
Gen. Ulysses Grant may be rolling in his tomb after Secretary of State Rice compared slain terror chief Abu Musab al-Zarqawi to the Civil War hero - and his Confederate counterpart Robert E. Lee.

...Rice told Fox News that Zarqawi was "diabolically brilliant" and his loss was devastating to Al Qaeda in Iraq, much as the loss of Grant and Lee would have been to the Union and Confederate armies.

"When you hear people say ... 'If you kill one of them, they'll just replace him with another leader,' remember that that's like saying, 'If you take out Robert E. Lee or Ulysses S. Grant, well, they'll just replace them with another leader,'" Rice said.

Zarqawi was killed by U.S. forces more than a year ago. Since then, the Al Qaeda network he led in Iraq has suffered setbacks but has proved a resilient threat.

Retired Marine Gen. Joseph Hoar said Rice's comparison was way off target.

The former CENTCOM chief was baffled at Rice's line of logic in comparing an international criminal, whose terror minions hid among civilians, to revered battlefield commanders.

"I think the analogy doesn't make a lot of sense," Hoar said.

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