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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Big Stick

Remember that TV ad from the seventies, showing an angry protest mob brandishing signs and running down the street, with a huffing, puffing, overweight pol in a suit chasing after, shouting (in vain) "Wait, I am your leader!" That's what this reminds me of.

So, Dems like Dianne Feinstein want to treat MoveOn.org the way the GOP has treated its evangelical wing all these years - as the help? Time to take a different direction!

I will cease making contributions to the Democratic Party, per se, and contribute only to individual candidates and organizations, until this matter is settled in our favor.

From Digby:
What to do? The answer is obvious and straightforward, although it will take some time for significant influence to be felt. That is to funnel as much money as possible through an organization like MoveOn to the Democratic Party in general and also to specific candidates.

Control the money and you control the party. Again, whether or not MoveOn is *the* organization is less important than making sure that the Democratic Party and its candidates realize that their income comes from people who expect the party to act as representatives of the country, not David Brooks'.

I cannot urge you enough to donate in the coming election cycle. AND to donate through an organization rather than directly to the Democratic Party and its candidates. The Village clearly likes that the United States is a democracy about as little as James Dobson likes the Bill of Rights. You want to change things? Aggregate the money and demand accountability. And make sure there's lots of money in that aggregate. It's that simple.

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