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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Against The Grain

I just hope he's careful enough to sand the furniture he sits on first (hat tip, Jim M.):
An Oakland carpenter who has a history of working in the nude was acquitted today of misdemeanor indecent exposure charges stemming from an October 2005 incident in which a client returned to his house and found the carpenter naked while building a set of bookcases.

...His attorney, David Beauvais, said Honniball, 51, owner of Honey Built Construction in Oakland "has decided that that although what he did was not illegal, it's probably prudent to wear clothes while he works so he doesn't face legal hassles again."

Beauvais admitted that Honniball was nude while building bookcases for a man in Oakland's Montclair District, but successfully argued in court that his client didn't commit a crime "because he didn't intend to have a lewd display of his body."

Beauvais said Honniball was simply "going about his business as a contractor," albeit "somewhat naively."

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