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Thursday, August 09, 2007

Peligro! Zumba!

January is the month when health clubs re-energize and bring in new people. August, however, is the dangerous month when many of the instructors and students are on vacation, and when club management decides to try - new stuff..... Since I am now an old guy, I hate new stuff. But one must move with the times, however painful.....

In lieu of step aerobics in Tuesday and Thursday's 'Get Fit Jam', at least for a while, Step One is trying out Kick-Boxing and Zumba. Kick-Boxing has never been my favorite, so I suffer through all that expressed aggression. Not as satisfying a workout either, probably due to its fitful, rather than continuous, nature. Zumba, on the other hand, is much like a regular dance class, also fitful in nature, but somehow more fun.

What is Zumba? Apparently it is of Columbian origin - aerobics to salsa, basically. Lots of hip sway. Lots and lots and lots of hip sway! So much hip sway, it'll make you seasick. As a guy, it's great to watch all the girls do those Figure Eights with their hips, but as a participant, it's hard to do - I get flummoxed and do Figure Zeroes. The guru of Zumba is apparently someone named 'Beto'.

Well, regarding Zumba, like they say in the movie "Eraserhead" regarding chicken:
Mr. X: We've got chicken tonight. Strangest damn things. They're man made. Little damn things. Smaller than my fist. But they're new.

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