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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Making My Brown Eyes Blue

This came out several days ago, and with my instantaneous brown-eyed reflexes, I instantaneously punched the monitor, but given my grave strategic-thinking deficit, it took me several days to get around to actually commenting about it:
PEOPLE with blue eyes are likely to achieve more in life than those with brown, say US scientists.

Scientists who conducted the tests said brown-eyed people performed better at reaction time, but those with lighter eyes appeared to be better strategic thinkers, the Daily Mail reported.

Brown-eyed people succeeded in activities such as football and hockey, but lighter-eyed participants proved to be more succesful in activities that required skills in time structuring and planning such as golf, cross-country running and studying for exams, the scientists said.

Louisville University professor Joanna Rowe, who conducted the tests, said the results suggested an unexplored link between eye colour and academic achievement.

"It is just observed, rather than explained," she said.

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