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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Love Bombing

Even as her legs wither away, Cloudy The Rabbit has started putting on a bit of weight again. Her appetite is sometimes hard to keep up with these days, a welcome change after those periods, probably in pain, when she would fast for days. I worry about the ever-present danger of bedsores and other lesions - they could be fatal under the circumstances.

In the evening, Cloudy will sit on my lap as I scratch her head, sometimes for hours, as we watch, over and over again, as Madonna on the DVD does her level best to offend us, yet succeed only in entertaining us.

Meanwhile, Sparky is acting daffier and more confused than ever. His coughing worsens, he's afraid to run up and down the back porch steps, and I worry about him. I need to spare some love for him as well.

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