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Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Sorab Wadia sings the part of Hussein Al Mansour in the Edinburgh Fringe Production of JIHAD THE MUSICAL.

The musical tells the story of "a hapless Afghan peasant who wants nothing more than to sell poppies". He somehow falls into the hands of jihadi terrorists and conceives an ambition to be "Islamically renowned", to which end he sings show-stopper, "I Wanna Be Like Osama", where longing for "a jihad of my own" and waiting with a world-weary shrug for the CIA "to determine what I'm worth", he is surrounded by assault-weapon toting chorines clad in pink burqas.

Costumes by Deb O.

Choreography by Bethany Samuelson.

See www.jihad-the-musical.com for more information about the production.

(Hat tip: http://www.techcentralstation.com/ )

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