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Sunday, August 26, 2007

"Disney's Beauty And The Beast" - DMTC's Young Performers' Theater

(first draft)

Left: Beast (Gabriel Moctezuma) and Belle (Anna Miles)

shoot...I left the program at the theater. I may get people's names wrong....Well, I'll plow ahead here.....


The cast assembles for final bows.

Lumiere, Mrs. Potts (Caitlin Humphries), and Cogsworth (Joey Lemons).

Left: Chip (Soomi Yoo), Babette (McKinley Carlisle), and Kim Cassaza.

Mugging for the camera: Mrs. Potts (Caitlin Humphreys) and Lumiere

Mrs. Potts (Caitlin Humphreys), Lumiere, Babette (McKinley Carlisle), Cogsworth (Joey Lemons).

Bows, as the standing ovation starts. Left to right, Kat Holder, Chris Petersen, Lumiere, Caitlin Humphreys, Anna Miles, Gabriel Moctezuma, Joey Lemons, Gaston,.....

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