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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Dallas-Area Teens Pre-Screen "High School Musical 2"

And what do they think?:
As Nicole Walker started the movie (rewinding the parts when people got too loud), the comments flew.

"Oh my gosh, look at his pants."

"Aren't her braids cool?"

"She has a weird laugh. And she laughs a lot in this movie."

"He's got the weirdest shoes."

"This is the weirdest song on earth."

"Don't make fun of him! He's listening to his heart."

"Monique's really old. She's like 27."

"He looks bad with his hair up."

"I think he looks better with his hair up."

"Aw! That was sweet!"

"They're so cute."

"They're made for each other."

Occasionally, the girls inadvertently revealed their age through their commentary. When Troy clocks in at the country club, one of the girls asked, "What's that for?" Her friend explained what a timecard was.

...As the movie reached the halfway point, the girls offered their verdict: The sequel is definitely not a dud.

"I like this one better so far," Erica said. "It has better acting and better singing and better dancing. In the first one, everything was perfect. I mean, it was really good, though!"

Her friends agreed: The extra drama helps. Most also agreed that the bigger heartthrob in the series is not Zac Efron, but curly topped Corbin Bleu. Why?

"His hair," they all said.

...After the credits rolled, the group jumped up and began shrieking about various things, as girls will do. The mission for the night was accomplished: They'd seen the movie.

"Every person in school will see it," Nicole said. "It's one of those things you have to see."

Jessica agreed: "No matter if you want to or not."

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