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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Catching The Attention Of Australian Politicians

Subtle doesn't work:
VICTORIAN Premier John Brumby has been barricaded in a machinery yard in rural Victoria by angry farmers protesting against the Government's water plans.

...The angry locals are protesting about the Government's move to pipe water from the Goulburn Murray region to regional cities and Melbourne.

The blockade was happening just outside Colbinabbin, east of Bendigo, where Mr Brumby had gone for a media conference to turn the tap on a $98 million new water pipeline.

...The protesters, some carrying placards reading "irrigation feeds the nation", screamed and interjected as the premier tried to reason with them over the merits of the plan.

...Mr Brumby said the superpipe would provide water security for the region at a time of unprecedented climate change.

"The Goldfields Superpipe is vital to the future growth of the Bendigo region," Mr Brumby said.

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