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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Bush Aching For An Incident

The opening of the border between Iran and Iraq for religious pilgrims was one of the few net pluses of the effort to topple Saddam. Millions now cross that border every year. No doubt, many Iranian government agents and spies cross as well. Bush probably figures that with all that traffic something can be made to happen that will start a new war:
In a Fox News interview Tuesday afternoon, President George W. Bush promised 'justice' for Iranians who are caught interfering in the Iraq War.

"There will be a consequence when your people are caught going into Iraq," Bush said when asked if the US should really be talking to Iran about Iraq's stability in spite of allegations that they are supplying some Iraqis with weapons.

When Neil Cavuto, host of Fox News' Your World asked if the President included a military attack on Iran among the 'consequences,' Bush gave a cryptic answer.

"They will be brought to justice," he said.

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