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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Rugby Is Like The Tooth Fairy

Teeth just vanish:
RUGBY league prop Ben Czislowski ran around for 15 weeks without knowing an opponent's tooth was buried in his forehead.

Ben Czislowski had a clash of heads with Tweed Heads forward Matt Austin during a Queensland Cup game on April 1.

He had the wound stitched up but was wondering why he felt lethargic, had an eye infection and had shooting pains in his head ever since.

Czislowski, a former Broncos and Bulldogs player in the NRL, visited his GP last week and all was revealed.

"I can laugh about it now but the doctor told me it could have been serious with teeth carrying germs," Czislowski, 24, said.

"I feel so lucky that the worst that I got out of it was that my head looked uglier than it does normally."

...Czislowski is not the only rugby league player to have been left with an unlikely souvenir by an opponent.

In 2004, Australian hooker Shane Millard also had a foe's fang removed from his head while playing for Widnes in the English competition.

Two years earlier, Australian Jamie Ainscough's arm became so badly infected while playing for Wigan in England there were fears it would be amputated before the source was discovered. Yep, a rival's tooth.

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