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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Faster Than A Speeding Bullet

My favorite aerobics instructor at Step One (apart from Pepper, of course) is Brandee. She has a special choreographic instinct that makes the physical routine surprising and unpredictable, and hence much more fun.

She's one remarkably busy lady, though. On the sports medicine faculty at UC Davis, she serves as a doctor for marathons and triathlons around the world. She was in the Gobi Desert last year, and earlier this year, and she's off to Chile next month for the fun, fun, fun Atacama Desert crossing (the Atacama is not as cheery and hospitable as the Sahara, and the ascent into the Andes is vertiginous - egads!)

Catching up to Brandee means eating a lot of dust, but you benefit from the effort....

Here is her profile:
Brandee L. Waite, MD received her medical degree from the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine with an interest in physical medicine and rehabilitative sports medicine. She earned her Bachelors Degree from Stanford University, graduating with honors from the Department of Human Biology. She has worked in numerous health spas and fitness clubs, sharing her multidisciplinary expertise with clients young and old, beginners and competitive athletes.

Her emphasis is uniting the mind and body of her clients to empower them with inner wellness through the medium of physical fitness. She was able to exercise this philosophy while employed at the Rancho La Puerta Health Spa in Baja, Mexico. As a fitness instructor at this internationally renowned health spa, Brandee taught hydrofit/aquatic, cardio kickboxing, and aerobic/ cardio-funk classes. She challenged her clients with daily hikes through the natural splendors of the Baja terrain. She was one of two fitness instructors on an international cruise line responsible for the development of the fitness programs and social activities for over 500 passengers aboard the ship. That takes, if nothing else, organization and great people skills! Brandee is surely talented in both respects.

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