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Friday, July 20, 2007

DMTC Board Changes Anticipated

Efforts are underway to bring new faces onto the DMTC Board. As part of those changes, I will be resigning as DMTC Treasurer, effective late August. I will remain on the Board, however (pending Board approval).

I haven't had the time necessary to bring DMTC's books into the kind of shape that will withstand the closer scrutiny new Board members are likely to apply (after all, I am a trained meteorologist, not an accountant). Arthur Vassar, who has been tapped to replace me as Treasurer (pending Board approval), does have some relevant experience. Since recently gathering his teaching credential, he also now has the time to devote to the upgrade.

I was elected DMTC Treasurer five years ago, in August, 2002. Moneywise, the last five years have been the most tumultuous in the organization's existence, with the mammoth effort to build the New Theater. Considering the many challenges, money matters have been handled rather well, with no scandal, and as a result, DMTC functions more-efficiently than in the past. (Now if we could just knock down our debt, and do something about those lame monthly 'Treasurer's Reports' I churn out....)

Instead, I will devote more time to a DMTC Business Plan I wrote last year, and to Historical Committee tasks, such as readying an on-line data base I nearly-finished two years ago, containing the name, function, and show every DMTC volunteer ever recorded has ever been involved in. In the intervening two years, we've done more shows, and unearthed more (now) rare programs, such that the data base needs updating. Plus, it needs to be posted on-line.

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