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Sunday, June 17, 2007

"Tommy" Auditions Finish A Busy DMTC Weekend

Left: Stirling Freeman auditions for DMTC's concert version of "Tommy", coming in July. Pictured are pianist Jonathan Rothman and auditioner Stirling Freeman. Seated are Amanda Morish (aka Amanda Salazar) and Steve Isaacson.

"Beauty And The Beast" opened this weekend to appreciative audiences. Few problems that I'm aware of. I understand Babette suffered a torn skirt - understandable with the stage crammed with various knick-knacks - which makes you wonder if "Beauty And The Beast" should be done in an ultra-modern style, with leotards, tights, sophisticated lighting, and an utterly bare stage. I'll make the suggestion to Disney right away....

(Although I passed through the theater every day this weekend, I haven't seen "Beauty And The Beast". Since I'll be out of town next weekend, I won't see the show until third or fourth weekend).

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