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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

How I'll Spend Retirement

Like this lady:
Deputies arrested a 94-year-old woman who spit on, hit and tried to bite authorities at a Bank of America in suburban Boca Raton today, the sheriff's office said.

The woman was upset over money she believed the bank owed her and became combative when a deputy asked her to leave, the sheriff's office said.

...She had visited the bank several times a week during the last month, claiming they owed her $16,000, Palenzuela said. But bank employees decided they'd had enough today and called the sheriff's office.

The deputy who first responded thought he could simply escort her out. But she was "anything but pleasant," and when the deputy picked up some of her things to encourage her to walk out with him, she hit him, Palenzuela said.

He thought she might have dementia or other medical issues. At one point, he called paramedics to have her checked out. When he tried to escort her out again, she started spitting at and trying to bite the assembled authorities, Palenzuela said.

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