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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

A Great Day In Brisbane

I have some quibbles with the storm. It's a little too far east for best effect, so SW Queensland isn't seeing the rain, some interior places aren't seeing that much, and it's raining like heck over the ocean where it does little good.

On the other hand, it's raining heavily right now right in the dam catchment areas, so even if the ground soaks up a lot of runoff, Brisbane's water supply will get a bump. And there's more rain forecast tomorrow too. Some isolated places are forecast to get more than 4 inches of rain, total, from the storm.

But it will end after that, unfortunately, with a quiet week forecast afterwards. And it will be time soon enough to burn yet more incense to the Southern Hemisphere Rain Gods, who have been so unrelentingly cruel to this corner of the world for the last decade.

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