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Friday, June 29, 2007

Getting Ragged Going To The Vet

I'm ragged, playing bunny nurse, but not nearly as ragged as poor Cloudy the Rabbit, dragging her hind legs around in a paralyzed state. She stayed at the vet's while I was in Arizona. One vet suggests euthanasia; the other is not as sanguine.

With Cloudy, the hard part is figuring out exactly when to pull the plug. How much suffering is too much suffering? Is there the possibility of reaching a plateau of stability, or is it just a chimera?

Took Sparky the Dog to the vet twice this week, and went a third time for pills. His heart is now so enlarged that it is actually pressing on his trachea, and thus is one source of his chronic cough (the other two sources are fluid buildup in the lungs and bronchitis). Time to get more aggressive with the diet and the medication! At least he is his happy, amiable self, though.

Still, last night, upon returning from our walk, he made a mistake. Normally he runs straight up the steps to the back porch, but last night, he didn't go straight. He veered off the side of the steps, launched himself into thin air right under the porch, and landed in the big pile of leaves below the porch (thankfully the leaves were there, or otherwise he would have been hurt). I guess he can't see all THAT well anymore (or hear, for that matter)!

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