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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Extra Credit

Reading my blog, Gabe detects .... an inconsistency. Citing my previous Kylie post:
Gabe: "Just tell me where to send my credit card info when the project's completed."

Hmmm...I seem to remember someone complaining about a certain politician being "sold out" to MBNA (a reference to an intemperate remark I made regarding Senator Joseph Biden of Delaware).

Sounds like "someone" is sold out to a credit card company as well...
Marc: Sold out to the credit card habit, but not to the credit card companies (I hope, provided the two can be distinguished.....)
Gabe: That’s right. I have to make a distinction between the drug addict, and the drug dealer, and the drug trade. It’s not your fault. You’re just a pawn of the system. They made you do it. The charge for annoying you with be $12.00 with a discretionary fee of $3.00. Have a nice day.
Marc: Give credit (and a lot of it) when credit is due.....

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