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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Emergency Room Hell

King-Harbor Hospital emergency room, where the people working there won't assist you, and where 911 actively insults you for trying to help:
Subsequent investigations have shown that she writhed on the ground for 45 minutes while being ignored by hospital staff. At one point, a janitor cleaned around her. The episode was captured by the hospital's video cameras.

..."He needs to contact a nurse or a doctor and let them know she's vomiting blood," a dispatcher told the interpreter translating for Prado. She also directed him to the county police office, located near the emergency room.

The other conversation grew heated, as the female bystander refused to be told no.

"Ma'am I cannot do anything for you for the quality of the hospital there," the second dispatcher said. "Do you understand what I'm saying? This line is for emergency purposes only … 911 is used for emergency purposes only."

The woman replied, "This is an emergency, Mister."

The dispatcher cut her off, "It is not an emergency. It is not an emergency ma'am."

"It is," the woman said.

"It is not an emergency," the dispatcher replied.

"You're not here to see how they're treating her," the bystander said.

"OK, well, that's not a criminal thing. You understand what I'm saying?" the dispatcher said.

"Excuse me, if this woman is gonna fall out and die, what do you mean that ain't a criminal thing?" the woman said.

The conversation ended on a hostile note.

"May God strike you too for acting the way you just acted," the woman told the dispatcher.

"Negative ma'am, you're the one," he said before disconnecting.

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