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Sunday, June 03, 2007

Disturbing Murder

Some crimes seem particularly outrageous, because the crime is close to home, and because it is so easy to imagine yourself in the same shoes as the victim. Mary Ourk's killer must be found:
Ourk was with a group of friends Friday night at The Empire nightclub near 15th and R streets. She left shortly before 2 a.m. Saturday in a car with a female friend.

As Ourk was driving south on 12th Street, a car behind her started honking. She pulled over near 12th and W streets, believing she knew the person in the honking car.

Then the car pulled up next to her. Someone inside fired a round into the car Ourk was driving, killing her. Shattered window glass slightly injured her passenger. The car with the shooter drove off.

"There doesn't appear to be anything now that indicates these folks were involved in an altercation," said Sacramento Police Sgt. Glen Faulkner. "We just couldn't quite fathom a reason on why this event happened."

Police have only vague descriptions of the suspect and his vehicle, Faulkner said: the car is believed to be a white four-door sedan, the suspect a man with short hair.

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