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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Rush Asks Silly Questions

From his May 16th radio show:
I kid you not -- "[w]omen and minorities." Hardest hit: women. You can count on it in every -- just like there's a template developing for the Republican debate last night. "How come there are no women and minorities on stage?" I guess you forgot about 2004. And I guess -- you know, the Democrats never get those kinds of questions because it's always assumed that they're fair and just, and not discriminatory and all that.
And why don't Democrats get these kinds of questions?:
Presumably, debate moderators would not ask Democratic presidential candidates why "there are no women and minorities" on stage because the Democratic field currently contains two minority candidates, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, who is Latino, and Sen. Barack Obama (IL), who is African-American, as well as a woman, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (NY).

In 2004, the field of candidates for the Democratic nomination included two African-Americans, one of them a woman, former Sen. Carol Moseley Braun (IL), and Rev. Al Sharpton. President Bush was not opposed by any major candidate in the Republican primaries of 2004.

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