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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Nightmare About Blogging

Last night, I dreamt that I was trying to find images of Friend Gabe to post on my Web Log. According to the dream, Gabe had spent much of his early education, what he now called "The Lost Years", at a Sacramento-area community college so obscure that Google couldn't find it. The images were said to show younger Gabe with all the nuts, bolts, block-and-tackle, and other hardware required to "Keep His Head Screwed On Straight".

But I couldn't find the images! Desperate, I started cruising the Sacramento-area freeways, from the Pocket area all the way out to Carmichael, looking for the obscure community college, and looking for the images.

I can't find the images, Gabe! I can't find the images!

It wasn't even 5 a.m. when I awoke. The bed was completely thrashed: apparently I had been kicking off the blankets as I dreamt. Asleep on the floor in the next room, Sparky the Dog quivered and yipped as he dreamt in his own sleep, no doubt fighting similar demons.

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