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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Mercy On Them

No redeeming social benefit here, except schadenfreude:
Obese British teenagers will be dropped into Australia's harsh outback, where they will have to hunt with Aborigines for food in a new reality television show, said a report on Tuesday.

The makers of Fat Teens Can't Hunt are talking to Aboriginal groups who will teach the youngsters how to trap, kill, gather and cook "bush tucker" for the BBC show.

Common Aboriginal food includes kangaroos and emus, witchetty grubs, lizards, snakes and moths.

The series will feature five boys and five girls aged 16-19 in six one-hour episodes and is based on an earlier series, Fat Men Can't Hunt, which sent a group of eight obese adults to live with the bushmen of Namibia.

..."The biggest revelation of the last series was that people are addicted to tastes and they don't eat for survival anymore.

"For them to realise where the meat actually comes from and to actually trap a small game bird and eat it is really, really special. It helps them reconnect with where food came from."

Ramsden rejected suggestions from critics that the show was voyeuristic.

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