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Monday, May 07, 2007

Folsom Housewarming

Left: Home, sweet home for Jim Lyons and Janice Da Silva.

Pleasant drive up to Folsom Saturday afternoon, but since I rarely go to Folsom at all, I did not know how to out-think ambiguous driving directions. Turns out Evite maps are no longer available after the party starts, rather than after the party ends, so mapless, I ended up driving randomly all over Folsom, but eventually located the party after violating the most sacred of the Sacred Laws of Men (I stopped at a convenience store and asked for directions).

Very pleasant house and very pleasant company! Decor is Mediterranean/Italianate.


Great dining room. Over hors d'ouevres, we bandied around the idea that I should debate my company's Big Boss regarding the merits/demerits of global climate change. Sounds scary, but fun!

Living room fireplace.

Learning how to make truffles. In background, co-worker Mark Peak.


Hi-tech see-saw.

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