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Monday, May 07, 2007

The Enhanced Connecting Lackluster Omnivore

I fall squarely in-between all of these pigeon holes:
The Pew Internet and American Life Project found that adult Americans are broadly divided into three groups: 31 percent are elite technology users, 20 percent are moderate users and the remainder have little or no usage of the Internet or cell phones.

...Many longtime Internet users, the lackluster veterans, remain stuck in the decade-old technologies they started with, Horrigan said. ... The moderate users were also evenly divided into "mobile centrics," those who primarily use the cell phone for voice, text messaging and even games, and "connected but hassled," those who have used technology but find it burdensome.

...The Pew study found 15 percent of all Americans have neither a cell phone nor an Internet connection. Another 15 percent use some technology and are satisfied with what it currently does for them, while 11 percent use it intermittently and find connectivity annoying.

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