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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A Defense Of Paris Hilton

Richard Abowitz says some nice things:
In Las Vegas, Paris Hilton has become a professional at attending parties. She reportedly gets paid for it, and she is good at it. In fact, she is the best I have ever seen and, as a result, the resort nightclubs and all Las Vegas have benefited. Paris Hilton created an economic boom for Las Vegas by being one of the first celebrities to pied piper her well-tipping, big-spending and, blessedly, mathematically-challenged friends and worshipers from LA to make hot the new generation of Vegas nightclubs in casino resorts. They play hard; they spend big; they tip well. From my stories to the limo drivers to the cocktail servers: everyone gets something out of the Paris Hilton crowd visiting Las Vegas. A lot of working people (and their dependent families) who are not trust-fund folk or celebrities have benefited hugely from Paris Hilton's role in focusing her large spotlight on the new Vegas as party central.
Meanwhile, that showboat Joe Arpaio says some insensitive things:
PARIS Hilton could be forced to join a "chain gang" because overcrowding in Los Angeles jails mean the hotel heiress might not be able to serve her 45-day sentence in prison.

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, in charge of the US's only "all-female chain gang", says he's spoken to the chief of jails in Los Angeles and offered to house Hilton at Tent City in Arizona.

"I just made an offer," Sheriff Arpaio told the Drudge Report.

"Instead of reducing for her sentence, which I feel is wrong, why not bring her over here? We can incarcerate her here. She can do her time over here."

..."Oh, I’d love to have her here," Sheriff Arpaio said.

"Just another celebrity. Not that I'm a publicity hound, but I'd imagine if I had her in these tents there'd be (publicity)."

Sheriff Arpaio says that while that Los Angeles County is considering his offer, Hilton’s lawyers will probably object.

Hilton’s psychiatrist today filed a declaration stating her star client was too distraught to participate in a civil trial brought against her by diamond heiress Zeta Graff, according to TMZ.com.

Shrink Dr Charles Sophy claims Hilton needs time to recover from her May 4 hearing during which she was sentenced 45 days of jail time for breaking probation.

Dr Sophy stated Paris is, “emotionally distraught and traumatized…(and) cannot effectively respond to examination as a witness or provide any significant input into her defense."

Graff filed the $10 million lawsuit in 2005 claiming slander and libel after Hilton told the New York Post that Graff once tried to snatch a necklace worth four-million dollars from Hilton’s neck at a London nightclub.

Hilton was to appear in court on May 21 but to avoid "(exacerbating) her current mental condition," the judge has move trial to August 22.

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