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Monday, May 14, 2007

Baby Blue's Weekend

This weekend, two weeks after I started caring for her, Baby Blue started to fly. Mostly it was a matter of short hops. She's been travelling all over the bedroom on the floor with hops and small darts.

Watching a DVD last night was fun. First, Baby Blue would jump from the back of the easy chair, behind my head, to the dusty black-and white keyboard. Then she'd fall off the keyboard and hop around the floor, scaring Sparky back to the sofa, until she'd finally jump on my shoe. I'd then extend my leg, raising the shoe to easy-chair level. Then she'd fly the four feet, or so, to the back of the easy chair. Then she started all over again, working me like a Rube Goldberg perpetual motion machine.

She's also noticed her reflection in the cookie tin that forms her nest. Poke, poke, poke.... She also listens carefully to what I say, and tries to imitate my imitation of her.

At night, she likes to hop down from her nest and cuddle near my face, poking and tasting my nose, or trying to grapple with my rubbery thumb, fingers, or lips, or fussing with tiny hairs on my hands. When I open my eyes, she looks up, eager to poke again curiously at that huge, magical, mysterious blinking eye.

Still, it's beginning to get awkward here at work. Not only did she poo on me three times this afternoon, smearing my shirt and pants, but she plastered the chair and the telephone as well.

I knew the teenaged days would be the hardest....

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