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Thursday, April 26, 2007

Whoops...Wait! We're Undercover! That's The Ticket!

Some 'splainin' to do:
What happens in Vegas doesn't necessarily stay in Vegas after all.

San Mateo County Sheriff Greg Munks and his undersheriff were swept up in Las Vegas prostitution sting over the weekend, authorities said today.

Munks, who was sworn in as sheriff in January, and Undersheriff Carlos Bolanos were briefly detained and questioned at a massage parlor that police contend was a front for a bordello, according to Las Vegas authorities. They were not arrested.

Munks called the incident a "personal embarrassment" and apologized today to sheriff's officials, the county and his family for his "lack of personal judgment."

"I believed I was going to a legitimate business," Munks said, reading from a written statement. "It was not."

Munks said he and Bolanos were both questioned by authorities and released. Bolanos was still outside the establishment when it was raided, Munks said.

"I would not, nor did I, break any laws," Munks said. "Neither did the undersheriff."

He declined to answer questions.

The two top law enforcement officers for San Mateo County were caught up in "Operation Dollhouse," a sting aimed at prostitution and human trafficking, according to Las Vegas authorities. Federal agents and Las Vegas police raided eight locations Saturday after a two-year investigation into a prostitution ring with suspected links to Asia, police said. Seven people were arrested.

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