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Saturday, April 14, 2007

This Volcano Is Extinct, Right?

Let's hope so:
Auckland has come up with a novel plan for getting rid of hundreds of thousands of tonnes of human waste - use it to fill one of its many extinct volcanos, then turn it into a regional park.

Local authority-owned Watercare Services announced this week that it had signed a $25 million, 30-year deal with Puketutu Island's owners to dump the 61 tonnes of biosolids - cleaned, treated and dried human waste - produced by its Mangere treatment plant each week.

...Auckland University vulcanologist Ian Smith said Aucklanders need not be concerned that they would be showered in "biosolids" in the event of an eruption.

Formed 30,000 years ago, Puketutu Island is one of about 50 volcanoes on the active Auckland volcanic field.

The next eruption from within that field was likely to form a new volcano, rather than come from an existing one, Dr Smith said.

"I think it is pretty safe."

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