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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Shuffling Cars

So, the van parked for weeks in the driveway next to my car where I live - the van leaked gasoline, and reeked, until all the gas had leaked out - was finally towed away by the police in the early-morning hours several weeks ago (neighbors say it was stolen).

Now, a mysterious sedan has taken the van's place. A mysterious man had the trunk propped open several days ago, as he talked mysteriously into his cell phone.

Last night, at 3:40 a.m., the mysterious man drove up with two friends. With their headlights off, they loaded lots of luggage into the sedan. Then they all drove off, leaving the sedan sitting there by itself.

This morning, the sedan had disappeared.

It's all very mysterious....

But, hey, I found a $20 bill on the sidewalk last night while walking Sparky, so not all mysteries are nefarious.

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