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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Listening To AM Talk Radio Regarding The Virginia Tech Shootings

George Noory on Coast-to-Coast AM had a guest, Howard Bloom, author of 'Global Brain', who made a striking observation regarding the Virginia Tech shooter's state-of-mind. Bloom emphasized that it was the "humiliation and isolation" of the foreign student that ultimately led to the tragedy - humiliation and isolation primarily from the experience of not speaking the language well in a land far from home. Bloom alluded to what appeared to be his own experience of being a student in a foreign land, where, presumably, he experienced humiliation and isolation firsthand. Bloom made clear he was not excusing or justifying the shooter's actions, only that people do not do well when they experience both humiliation and isolation, in any context, and that we need to keep an eye out for others who need a helping hand.

I thought it was an interesting and insightful observation into the misery of being thwarted in a foreign land.

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