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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Dry To The Bone

I'm surprised these towns are the ones being considered for evacuation. It seemed to me there are drier areas to the northwest. There may be something of a dry spot in the Warwick area, like a Bermuda Triangle for rain:
TWO towns on the Darling Downs face evacuation because they have almost run out of water and cannot afford to indefinitely cart supplies.

Senior state bureaucrats have discussed the possibility of moving residents from Leyburn, population 200, and Killarney, home to 1500 people.
One of Leyburn's two bores has run dry and there are fears the other could follow.

...The threat of evacuation has outraged locals, including former Bronco Shane Webcke, who owns Leyburn's only pub.

"I'll move from my hotel when Peter Beattie moves from Brisbane," he said.

"Imagine if you said no one can live in Kenmore, everyone in Kenmore has to go."

Warwick Shire Mayor Ron Bellingham called evacuation an "Armageddon solution", but admitted it was a possibility for Leyburn.

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