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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Blame Game

Acting dumb on the banks of the Potomac. Where did these annoying problems come from?:
WASHINGTON — Two infantry companies from the New Mexico Army National Guard will return to Iraq this summer, but Sen. Pete Domenici is questioning whether "we can keep relying on the National Guard with the kind of ineptitude we're seeing with training and equipment."

The Albuquerque Republican made the remark Wednesday at a Senate Appropriations defense subcommittee hearing where he blasted Pentagon officials for not providing the New Mexico National Guard with the proper equipment for training.

...After the hearing, Domenici told The Tribune the people in the New Mexico National Guard are "terrific, but if you don't have the equipment you've got nothing."
...The office said the New Mexico Guard has only 34 percent of the type of equipment it needs for war and peacetime missions, such as radios, medical kits, trucks and generators - the lowest percentage of any state. Georgia and Colorado were highest, at 64 percent.

Domenici asked Blum, "We couldn't do any worse by New Mexico - is that a fair statement?"

"It's an accurate statement," Blum replied.

"Right now, New Mexico is the lowest in the nation and it should not be," Blum continued, but added, "They didn't get into that situation overnight and they won't get out of it overnight."

...But New Mexico Adj. Gen. Kenny Montoya told The Tribune the shortages have little to do with Iraq. He said the Army Guard did leave 70 trucks in Iraq, but those have been replaced.

He traced the state Guard's shortages from its conversion four years ago from air defense to missions that include light infantry, transportation, engineering and military police.

Montoya said the engineers, for instance, have to borrow equipment from local governments to train with, but it's not the same equipment they would use in the field. Truck drivers for the Guard train with the M-16 rifle, he said, but when sent to Iraq have to be certified first with the newer M-4 rifle.
Four years ago? Four years ago! Why Pete Domenici might even remember the events of four years ago! Maybe Pete Domenici should spend his time gazing in a mirror - the mirror labeled "Mission Accomplished" - rather than blaming the Army for these problems....

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