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Thursday, March 08, 2007

Stephanie Skewes In "Wild Hogs"

Left: Louise Bigelow (Stephanie Skewes) and Carnival Barker (Marc Valdez).

Courtesy of Andy Sullivan, news that Fresno's Stephanie Skewes is in the new John Travolta, Tim Allen, and William Macy movie "Wild Hogs", which was filmed in New Mexico and which my sister Michelle just saw and says is great. Here's Stephanie on William Macy:
"He was my favorite," Skewes says of Macy. "He is more down-to-earth than many of my acting friends. I learned so much."
Stephanie was always so organized and serious and talented - you just knew she would go places!

Here are some photos (by Dannette Vassar) of DMTC's dress rehearsal for "Carousel", on November 5, 2002, featuring Stephanie Skewes.

Louise Bigelow (Stephanie Skewes).

Enoch Snow (Matt Dunn), Carrie Pipperidge (Andrea St. Clair), Louise Bigelow (Stephanie Skewes), and Enoch Snow, Jr. (David "Turtle" Akona).

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