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Friday, March 23, 2007

Intriguing New Musical Proposed

People find inspiration from the strangest places - like the Flaming Lips' Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots. Was that song from the Coachella movie from this album? I think maybe so! What was with that big plastic ball? I mean, it's nice for Wayne Coyne to walk across the mosh pit inside a big plastic ball - tricksy footing, that - but how does that relate to Yoshimi's struggle?:
Coyne compares the proposed concept to Terry Gilliam's dystopian sci-fi movie Brazil. ''There's the real world and then there's this fantastical world,'' explains Coyne. ''This girl, the Yoshimi character, is dying of something. And these two guys are battling to come visit her in the hospital. And as one of the boyfriends envisions trying to save the girl, he enters this other dimension where Yoshimi is this Japanese warrior and the pink robots are an incarnation of her disease. It's almost like the disease has to win in order for her soul to survive.

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