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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Fox News And The Democrats

The Wall Street Journal is worried about the decision of Democratic presidential candidates not to appear at a Nevada primary debate hosted by Fox News, and seems to think that the candidates are knuckling under to the demands of some fanatical left-wing MoveOn.org horde. WSJ points out that many Democrats watch Fox News and that they will be under-served by a Democratic boycott.

I wish the MoveOn.org types had that much power! No, what is happening is that Fox News has no credibility among Democrats in general, and the candidates in particular. Memo to WSJ: does anyone think any Democrat relies on Fox News for unbiased information about Democrats? The only tricks Fox News doesn't do is play scary music and intense wide-angle close-ups when featuring a Democrat. After all, it was Roger Ailes, the head of Fox News himself, who was pushing that idiotic Obama-Osama meme, supposedly as a 'joke'. And then you wonder why Senator Obama doesn't want to have anything to do with Fox News? Or Senator Edwards? Or any Democrat?

Journalism is a delicate dance between the newsmakers and those who cover the news. It's time for Fox News to learn something beyond the Foot-Stomping Fascist Clodhop.

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