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Monday, March 12, 2007

"Camelot" Gallery

(I'll put recent "Camelot" photos here)

Left: Guenevere (Marguerite Morris) and Lancelot (Tae Kim).

Nimue Singer (Bridget Maguire), seen from behind and below.

Guenevere (Marguerite Morris).

The entrapment of Arthur: Pellinor (Paul Fearn) and King Arthur (Gil Sebastian), foreground; Morgan La Fey (Anne Marie Trout), background.

Mordred (Jon Jackson) finally meets his aunt, Morgan La Fey (Anne Marie Trout).

Nimue Dancer (Meg King, foreground), Merlin (Paul Fearn, middle), and Nimue Singer (Bridget Maguire, background).

King Arthur (Gil Sebastian) and Guenevere (Marguerite Morris).

King Arthur (Gil Sebastian).

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