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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Should The Democrats Get Involved?

I'm of two minds about this:
National Democrats on Tuesday urged Republican Party chairman Mel Martinez to stop the independent College Republicans from holding "Catch an Illegal Immigrant" events around the country.

... "These despicable tactics have no place in our public discourse or on our college campuses," the letter said.

The game is a variation of hide and seek, with one player posing as an illegal immigrant and everyone else trying to find the person. The winner usually gets a prize.

Tracy Schmitt, a spokeswoman for the Republican National Committee, said "we find these activities both egregious and offensive and condemn them wholeheartedly." But she noted the College Republicans are independent of the RNC: "We do not control their activities."
Independent my ass, but that's another argument. This game sounds offensive enough, and worth complaining about, but it also sounds like it's designed to bait Democrats into a whiny, politically-correct protest. Why not let the Republicans alienate people with their little game? Give 'em rope, I say. Just show up with a bunch of video cameras and get material for TV ads aimed at the Hispanic market during campaign season.

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