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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Final Weekend Of "Mame"

'Have A Little Christmas'. Left to right: Ito (Andy Hyun), Gooch (Monica Parisi), Young Patrick (Andrew Lampinen), Mame (Mary Young).

Beauregard Jackson Pickett Burnside (William Hedge) and Mame (Mary Young).

Gooch (Monica Parisi), Mame (Mary Young), M. Lindsay Woolsey (Paul Schecter), and Vera Charles (Peggy Schecter).

Nice end to a nice show!

Final Friday, I spilled water in the stage right wing - just to add a little thrill to the show!

Flubbed up hand motions in the modern dance sequence on Saturday night, but it didn't matter: Ania, who danced with us in 'Cabaret', appreciated the satire nonetheless!

On Sunday, my guests were Bill O'Brien and Marcia Raphael. I met Bill in 1990, when he was 70 years old. He loves modern dance (he always says he 'discovered' Mark Morris, whatever that means). He loves dance so much that, at age 65, he decided to start ballet lessons, at Bobbi Bader's studio. I hadn't heard from either for so long, I figured Bill had probably died, so I started out my Christmas card to them something like: "I don't if you are still alive, Bill, but in the event you are still among the living, Merry Christmas!" To my embarrassed surprise, they called up and said hello!

After strike, good pizza at Steve's Pizza!

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