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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Wonder Who The Republicans Nominate As President?

Republican politicians generally choose the favored candidate among themselves first - there's generally a nod from the Establishment about who they prefer. I remember 1998, when it became clear that George W. Bush was the favored candidate among insiders. I thought that was absurd, given the dozens of higher-profile Republicans available to choose from, and especially since the post of Governor is actually quite weak in Texas politics (Lieutenant-Governor is the strongest post of all there!) but what do I know?

The favored candidate should be apparent by now, but isn't. McCain? Too much conservative hostility towards him. Giuliani and Romney? Easterners both, and Giuliani with his checkered personal past and Romney as a Mormon. Mike Huckabee? Not well-known. Sam Brownback? Closer, but does he have organization?

So, a vacuum at the top there! Room for the ambitious!

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