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Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Malibu Fire

There is always the tendency, when homes belonging to the rich-and-connected burn down, to gloss over the loss, and say cruel, unfeeling things. I remember being shocked, with the highly-destructive 1991 Oakland fire, when 25 lives, 3,354 homes, and 456 apartments were lost, at the attitude among some in the French media, that there was little real pain, since the homes were insured. They forget that children lose their entire worlds when homes burn down, and that insurance can't cover every expense, and priceless mementoes go up in smoke, and lives are entirely dislocated. I certainly cringe when France experiences terrible fires, and I hope they would return the favor.

In any event, Suzanne Somers and others in Malibu have lost their homes, and they deserve our sympathy. Somers puts on a brave front:
"My nature is to look at the glass half-full," Somers said in a statement Tuesday. "I truly believe we will learn something great from this experience."

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