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Friday, January 12, 2007

Love Weather Modeling Computer Output!

Always food for thought!

I've been wondering why the annual Northern Territories monsoon, currently underway, doesn't cross into southern Australia as well. Latest NOGAPS model predictions suggest it will, and soon, heading as far south as Adelaide, and beyond! So, the next question is "why not NSW and Victoria as well?" If it works for summertime Denver and the northern Rockies, why not in the southern reaches of Australia's Snowy Range too? We'll see!

NOGAPS also says that coastal Queensland will soon see tropical moisture advection from the NE (not just the typical afternoon thunderstorms), and that in two weeks or so, a tropical storm may approach from the NE! So soon? We'll see!

The key is a stable, stationary high pressure system between Australia and New Zealand. It functions much like the Bermuda High in the Northern Hemisphere does for the American Southwest and it is required to get a good flow of moisture going into Queensland!

Meanwhile in the Northern Hemisphere, will a Pineapple Express system pump moisture in the southwestern U.S. in a week or so? Quien sabe? We'll see!

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