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Monday, January 08, 2007

Less Blunder, More Thunder

E. greeted Sunday by saying "it's such a bright, beautiful world, and it is filled with people I hate." Such a cheery start to the day! Then she began fantasizing about a slot machine at Cache Creek Casino, the one that plays cheery tunes, featuring green aliens who lay eggs filled with money. I could tell the worm of addiction was eating at her, and, to tell the truth, to my moth-eaten mind, it didn't sound like such a bad thing. So, Sunday evening, I suggested a trip to Thunder Valley casino - I would stake her. She insisted I wear a new sweater - a lucky sweater. I complied.

The blackjack was quite good. I made four runs that collapsed, but with each collapse, the total advanced forward, like a ratchet: $900 to $500; then $2,800 to $1,600; then $4,100 to $3,300; then $6,000 to $4,700. I left before the last run collapsed, nearly at the peak of my winnings, for the best night at the tables in three years.

A strange, well-dressed Filipina escorted me as I left the table. Turned out, she was a beggar, looking for a handout. I gave her $20. The other Filipina had had a bad night (Thunder Valley doesn't have aliens, but rather some kind of 'Milk Machine' that had gone dry Sunday evening), but under the circumstances, it didn't matter.

Profit: $7,100 - $100 initial amount - $160 E. stake - $20 beggar - $10 tip to cashier = $6,810.00

Now, dividing the spoils (credit card, theater, Filipina, etc.)

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